Expert opinion on the analysis and technical assessment of the valuation made by the Tax Agency in its inspection of the various companies.
On this occasion we carried out an economic and financial expert report that focused on two main asp...
Independent, professional, precise, clear and clear advice at the forefront of new technologies, provided by professionals of recognized prestige at competitive prices. Something so simple and reasonable is often unthinkable for SMEs and undoubtedly marks their destiny.
In the development of its business activity, situations of conflict or irregularity may arise that threaten and undermine its continuity, or damage its image in the market, sometimes with irreparable effects.
For eXpert Witness Corporate Responsibilitygoes beyond the mere obligation to comply with regulations. Our aim is that the company benefits from both legal protection and an organized control system that increases its productivity and performance.
In the current market context, it is more necessary than ever to create value. We are facing a constantly changing environment in which companies are looking for opportunities to buy, sell, finance,… or not least to give continuity to their business.
Corporate risk management is a process carried out by an entity’s board of directors, management and staff, applied in the definition of strategy and throughout the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the organization and manage its risks within the accepted risk, provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of the objectives
He who seeks constant happiness and wisdom must accommodate frequent changes.
eXpert Witness Forensic & Litigationaims, in its modest criteria, to provide its clients and collaborators, as well as society, with useful information, criteria, support and perspective to face the day to day.
If you need to contact us, we are in C/ Velázquez 27-1ºDcha. 28001 Madrid.
T. +34 91 277 22 96 | Number: 630 14 75 17 |
On this occasion we carried out an economic and financial expert report that focused on two main asp...
This report argued from an economic-financial, accounting and business point of view, let us carry o...
Preparation of risk assessment reports in which the modifications observed in the regulatory complia...
In this report we ratified, from an economic-financial and banking practice point of view, and with...
We issued a report in which we estimated, based on the historical revenues of the concession during...
Expert Report prepared at the request of a financial institution, in order that, as an Independent E...
Elaboration of a differentiating analysis of the concept of “Festival” as a market produ...
In this context, the injured parties requested our intervention as Independent Expert in order that,...
The established regulations, as well as the contribution of real value present in each sector, were...