

For eXpert Witness, Corporate Responsibility goes beyond the mere obligation to comply with regulations. Our aim is that the company benefits from both legal protection and an organized control system that increases its productivity and performance.

Therefore, for us, regulatory compliance focuses on two distinct and complementary areas: (1) aa global framework based on the internal control of companies and managers of Corporate Criminal Liability risks, Penal Corporativa (CPR), complemented by (2) the necessary control and compliance policies according to the sector of activity, covering possible risks derived from theCorporate Administrative Responsibility(CAR).

eXpert Witness Forensic & Compliance provides a differential point of view with respect to the rest of the proposals of the sector, providing the complete process of coverage of the corporate criminal liability of the administrators from the initial analysis and the subsequent protection of risks, to the solution of each one of the possible fields of compliance that affect the company.

Without prejudice to the independent and specific services presented below, our Firm can guide you from the outset, preventively or proactively by implementing your Compliance Risk Management System, or reactively resolve any situation in which a disciplinary proceeding is initiated to guide you in your favor.

Requirements of the Criminal Compliance Model, in accordance with Art. 31 Bis of the Criminal Code:

  1. Identify the activitieswhere the crimes to be prevented may be committed.
  2. They shall establish the protocols or procedures tospecify the process for the formation of the will of the legal entity, the adoption of decisions and the execution thereof.
  3. They shall have models for managing the financial resources necessary to prevent the commission of crimes that must be prevented.
  4. They will impose the obligation to report possible risks and non-compliances to the body in charge of monitoring the operation and observance of the prevention model.
  5. They shall establish a disciplinary system that adequately sanctions non-compliance with the measures established in the model.
  6. They shall periodically verify the model and its possible modificationwhen relevant breaches of its provisions are revealed, or when changes occur in the organization, its control structure or in the activity carried out that make it necessary.
  • Crime Prevention Model Design
  • Crime Prevention Model Audit
  • Training and design of compliance training pills
  • Financial Sector Compliance
  • Security Audit
  • Cripto Compliance
  • Fraud & Ethics Line
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    eXpert Witness Forensic & Compliance is a boutique of Economic-Financial Experts in analysis and issuance of Expert Reports professionally assisting in procedures related to disputes before the occurrence of litigation, arbitration, negotiations or mediations, as well as in the field of Fraud Prevention and Investigation or in the implementation of Regulatory Compliance and Internal Control Programs.


    Calle Velázquez 27-1ºDcha, 28001 Madrid


    +34 630 14 75 17