What we do

What do we do at Expert Witness?

Independent, professional, precise, clear advice and at the forefront of new technologies, carried out by professionals of recognized prestige at competitive prices. Something so simple and reasonable is often unthinkable for SMEs and undoubtedly marks their destiny. We add value in all areas of law and sectors thanks to our experience and knowledge.

Forensic & Litigation

In the development of its business activity, situations of conflict or irregularity may arise that threaten and undermine its continuity, or damage its image in the market, sometimes with irreparable effects.


For eXpert Witness, Corporate Responsibility goes beyond the mere obligation to comply with regulations. Our aim is that the company benefits from both legal protection and an organized control system that increases its productivity and performance.


He who seeks constant happiness and wisdom must accommodate frequent changes.

eXpert Witness Forensic & Litigationaims, in its modest criteria, to provide its clients and collaborators, as well as society, with useful information, criteria, support and perspective to face the day to day.

Restructuring & Corporate Transactions

In the current market context, it is more necessary than ever to create value. We are facing a constantly changing environment in which companies are looking for opportunities to buy, sell, finance,… or not least to give continuity to their business.

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    eXpert Witness Forensic & Compliance is a boutique of Economic-Financial Experts in analysis and issuance of Expert Reports professionally assisting in procedures related to disputes before the occurrence of litigation, arbitration, negotiations or mediations, as well as in the field of Fraud Prevention and Investigation or in the implementation of Regulatory Compliance and Internal Control Programs.


    Calle Velázquez 27-1ºDcha, 28001 Madrid


    +34 630 14 75 17

